WGGCon returns Friday, August 30, so please RSVP on Facebook or Meetup (or both). But there is no need to pre-register; just show up!
Elliot and Alec will be at the con the entire time, so please text if you require assistance or have questions:
Elliot: 914-525-6375
Alec: 914-382-7464
We’re once again at Croton Point Park in the Senasqua Lodge. Please see this map for the location within the park.
When entering the park, please mention that you’re attending WGGCon to receive a discounted car entrance fee of $5. If you rented a cabin, please give your name for first entry. Elliot will then provide your key and parking pass.
If you ever arrive when the gate at the RV park is closed, just text Elliot or Alec to be let in.
We start Friday at 2:00pm and run around the clock until Monday morning. We must clean up and be out of the Lodge on Monday morning, but we can game as late as we want on Sunday night.
Our world-famous BBQ is on Saturday at 5:00pm. Vegetarian options will be available. We will also have a hot dog cart on Friday evening, pizza on Sunday evening and will provide soda/water and snacks during the entire con.
We’ll be projecting movies outside after dark on Friday and Saturday. (Thank you to Paul Gerardi and Wilfried Teiken for the big screen and projector.) Popcorn and other snacks will be provided.
You’re welcome to bring your families even if they’re not gamers. Plenty of people will be bringing their children to enjoy the park, but kids under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. Dogs are allowed at the park but must be leashed and may not go inside the Lodge.
Friday | 2:00pm | Start |
6:00pm | Hot Dog Cart | |
6:30pm | Magic: The Gathering Event | |
7:00pm | Uncharted Stars “Roll & Write” Game | |
After Dark | Movies: Back to the Future / Serenity | |
Saturday | 10:00am | Start |
4:45pm | Group Photo | |
5:00pm | BBQ | |
6:30pm | Game Auction | |
After Dark | Movies: Back to the Future 2 / Eight Legged Freaks | |
Sunday | 10:00am | Start |
10:00am | Croton Point Pointless 5K | |
2:00pm | Geek & Gaming Trivia | |
5:00pm | Pizza | |
6:30pm | WGGCon Raffle Drawing | |
Monday | Morning | Cleanup & End |
Please bring games to play and share. WGGCon is all about pickup games; so, if you want to play a particular game, please bring it!
You can also use our Discord Game Scheduling forum to arrange games with others.
Our focus is on board and card games, but you’re welcome to play any game that other players are interested in joining.
3rd Universe
3rd Universe is a WGGCon sponsor and hosts gaming throughout the week in Croton. They will be onsite to sell the latest games.
They will also host a Magic event on Friday evening.
Game Auction
Our wildly successful live game auction is held on Saturday at 6:30pm (after the BBQ). Please bring any games you’d like to sell.
You can download and print the auction form to fill out beforehand or copies will be available onsite. Please attach it to the back of the game box.
New this year is a Buy It Now option. If you enter a price in that field, people can buy your game even before the auction starts.
The fee is a flat $3.00 per item entered and goes toward paying for WGGCon. Buyers may pay cash or via PayPal or Venmo.
Dr. Finn’s Games
Dr. Finn’s Games is a WGGCon sponsor. Game designer Steve Finn has many published games, including the recently released Cities (co-designed with Phil Walker-Harding and published by Devir), Biblios (published by Iello) and numerous games (such as Alpujarras, Fisheries of Gloucester, The Feds, and many others) published under his own Dr. Finn’s Games. Please consider supporting his company by trying some of his games at WGGCon and, if you like them, purchasing directly from Dr. Finn’s Games.
Kozz Games
Kozz Games, publisher of the Dark Tomb series, is a proud sponsor of this year’s WGGCon. Game designer Andy Bergmann will share a sneak-peak of the upcoming Dark Tomb adventure, The Ice Chasers.
Primal TCG
Kings Entertainment Press is a new WGGCon sponsor this year. Check out their YouTube channel.
They will be onsite as an official brand ambassador for the Primal TCG and will be selling the game and hosting tournaments.
Friday | 3:00pm | How to Play |
4:30pm | Starter Deck Constructed Tournament | |
7:00pm | Starter Deck Constructed Tournament | |
Saturday | 11:00am | How to Play |
12:30pm | Sealed Tournament | |
3:30pm | Sealed Tournament | |
7:30pm | Starter Deck Constructed Tournament | |
Sunday | 11:00am | How to Play |
12:30pm | Sealed Tournament | |
3:30pm | Sealed Tournament | |
7:30pm | Starter Deck Constructed Tournament |
All tournaments are $25. Entry price will cover the cost of your chosen Starter Deck for participation, Sealed Packs or Sealed Pack Deluxe Kit.
Prizes will include Kings Entertainment Press Table Credit. $10 credit per round won. Participants will also receive event exclusive promos and packs (while supplies last).

Uncharted Stars “Roll & Write” Game
Peter Horoszowski will host a game of Uncharted Stars on Friday at 7:00pm. No experience is necessary, and we only have room for 1,000 players so make sure you get a spot!
Croton Point Pointless 5K
Start your Sunday off at 10:00am with a 5K fun run through beautiful Croton Point Park. Host Jimmy Trube will introduce a unique gaming element to the run and prizes will be awarded.
Geek & Gaming Trivia
Stephanie and Sean Richards will be hosting trivia on Sunday at 2:00pm. Questions will cover both gaming and general geekery. Come test your wits against your fellow geeks and win prizes!
Health & Safety
WGGCon attendees are encouraged to vaccinate and welcome to wear masks. If you are not feeling well or begin to experience symptoms of COVID-19, please do not attend WGGCon.
WGGCon T-Shirts

WGGCon t-shirts are available onsite for $25. For those who pre-ordered the discounted t-shirts before the deadline ($20), please see Elliot to pickup and pay. Please wear your shirt for the group photo on Saturday.
We need your help on Saturday with the BBQ and auction. A sign up sheet will be onsite, but please let us know if you can cover a slot in advance.
- 9:00 – 10:30am: Volunteers needed to shuck corn and prep for the BBQ
- 2:00 – 3:00pm: Volunteers needed for BBQ setup
- 4:00 – 5:30pm: Volunteers needed for BBQ setup and grilling
- 6:00 – 7:15pm: Volunteers needed for BBQ cleanup
- 6:15 – 8:30pm: Volunteers needed for auction logistics
As a thank you, those who volunteer for 2+ hours receive a free WGGCon t-shirt. Those who volunteer for 4+ hours also receive a selection from our volunteer prize pool of new shrink wrapped games.
Canopies, Tables and Chairs Needed
You can also help the con by bringing any portable canopies, tables and chairs. There are plenty of tables and chairs inside, but more are always welcome. There are plenty of picnic tables outside, but canopies will help shield the sun.
WGGCon is paid for entirely with donations. We have faith that our supporters will come through as they have every year.

Our suggested donation is $10-20 per person per day plus $15 for those who join the Saturday BBQ. We don’t set a firm amount because we like people to base their donation on how long they spend with us and how much food/snacks/drinks they consume. If you’re only stopping in for a couple hours, feel free to pay $10. If you’re with us around the clock and eat voraciously, then please adjust your donation accordingly.
Please note that the donation is separate from cabin rentals and t-shirt sales.
As mentioned above, there’s a $5 per car fee to enter Croton Point Park (please mention you’re attending WGGCon for that reduced rate).
As a thank you for those who donate, we have some fantastic games for our raffle. We’re not selling tickets, but you get a free ticket for every $10 you donate for food and the venue as per above. The games are brand new and shrink wrapped. We’ll draw names Sunday at 6:30pm for each of the five lots; you don’t need to be present to win.
- Cities with Gen Con promo tile
- Catan bundle: Catan, Seafarers, Cities & Knights
- Dune bundle: Dune Imperium Uprising with promo cards, Dune Betrayal
- Istanbul
- Venus Needs Men
See you soon at WGGCon!