WGGCon 2017 (details)

Alec Usticke Announcements, WGGCon

The ninth annual WGGCon starts Friday, September 1! We’re expecting a fantastic turnout all weekend long, so please RSVP on Facebook or Meetup (or both). We start Friday at 2:00pm and run around the clock until Monday morning.

Elliot and Alec will be at the con the entire time (minus a couple trips home for showers), so please text or call if you require assistance or have questions:
Elliot: 914-525-6375
Alec: 914-382-7464


We’re once again at the Croton Point Park Rec Hall with extra gaming space available in an enclosed tent.

Please see this map for the Rec Hall location within the park. When entering the park, please mention that you’re with the Rec Hall party and you’ll receive a discounted car entrance fee of $5.


We start Friday at 2:00pm and run around the clock until Monday morning. We have to clean up and be out of the Rec Hall by 11:00am on Monday so there won’t be any activity on Monday, but we can game as late as we want on Sunday.

Our world-famous BBQ is on Saturday at 5:00pm. Vegetarian options will be available. We will also be providing soda/water and snacks during the entire con but feel free to bring anything you don’t mind sharing.

We’ll be projecting movies on a big screen after dark each evening. Popcorn and other snacks will be provided.

You’re also welcome to bring your families even if they’re not gamers. Plenty of people will be bringing their children to enjoy the park, but kids under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.

Friday 2:00pm Start
After dark Movie
Saturday Noon Contest and demo of Dr. Finn Games (until 8:00pm)
4:45pm Group photo
5:00pm BBQ
6:30pm Game auction
After dark Roasting marshmallows & movie
Sunday 2:00pm Love Letter tournament
4:00pm Geek & Gaming Trivia by Westchester Geeks
6:30pm WGGCon raffle drawing
After dark Movie
Monday Morning Cleanup & end


Please bring games to play and share. WGGCon is all about pickup games; so, if you want to play a particular game, please bring it!

Our main focus is on board and card games, but you’re welcome to play any game that other players are interested in joining.

Dealer Hall

Modern Myths is a WGGCon co-sponsor and hosts boardgaming every Saturday evening. They will be onsite to sell the latest games.

For those who pre-ordered WGGCon t-shirts, Elliot will have those available all weekend. Please wear your shirt for the group photo on Saturday at 4:45pm.

Game Auction

Our wildly successful game auction is held on Saturday at 6:30pm (after the BBQ). Please bring any games you’d like to sell. You can download and print the auction form to fill out beforehand or copies will be available onsite. The fee of 10% (with a minimum of $1 per item) goes toward paying for WGGCon. Buyers may pay cash or credit card (3% fee).

Dr. Finn's GamesDr. Finn’s Games Contest

Dr. Finn’s Games is a WGGCon co-sponsor. Game designer Steve Finn is a frequent participant in WGG game nights and has had multiple successful Kickstarter campaigns. He will host a contest and demo his games on Saturday from noon through 8:00pm. Prizes will include games and t-shirts.

Steve will also be offering his games at steeply discounted prices at WGGCon. Contact him at doctorfinns@gmail.com for more info.

Love Letter Tournament

Jimmy T will host a Love Letter tournament starting Sunday at 2:00pm. Compete to win copies of Love Letter and spiffy medals (donated by Jimmy)!

Geek & Gaming Trivia

Westchester Geeks will be hosting trivia on Sunday at 4:00pm. Questions will cover both gaming and general geekery. Prizes include the following new, shrink wrapped games: Foreclosed!, 6 nimmt!, Nile Deluxor, Nitro Dice, Grave Business and Five Fingered Severance. Come test your wits against your fellow geeks!


meeple_stickerWGGCon is paid for entirely with donations. Our costs have increased due to renting the tent, higher park fees and buying more and more food and snacks, but we have faith that our supporters will come through as they have every year.

Our suggested donation is $5-15 per person per day plus $10 for those who join the Saturday BBQ. We don’t have a firm amount because we’d like people to base their donation on how long they spend with us and how much food/snacks/drinks they consume. If you’re only stopping in one day for a couple hours, feel free to pay $5. If you’re with us around the clock and eat voraciously, then please adjust your donation accordingly.

We also welcome attendees to bring any snacks or food items they’d like to share.

As mentioned above, there’s a $5 per car fee to enter Croton Point Park (please mention you’re with the Rec Hall party for that reduced rate).


As a thank you for those who donate, John Velonis, Bryan Deyo from 3rd Universe, Diane Sauer from Shoot Again Games and Paul Gerardi contributed some fantastic games for our raffle. We’re not selling tickets, but you get a free ticket for every $5 you donate for food and the venue as per above. The games are brand new and shrink wrapped. We’ll draw names Sunday at 6:30pm for each of the six lots; you don’t need to be present to win.

Thanks and see you soon at WGGCon!